Excursus in knowledge graphs

I.A. Volkova, E.D. Shamaeva


This review examines various aspects of knowledge graphs, which have recently become a popular information storage technology. The graph concept is used to store information about entities and the relationships between them. Knowledge graphs can be useful both for enriching software systems with structured information about the world, and as reference information for people. The knowledge graph concept is revealed, their varieties are noted. Some features of the knowledge graph internal structure are considered, including aspects related to data storage and acquisition, as well as the new knowledge reasoning based on existing one. The issues related to the knowledge graph construction, adding new information to them (including automatic one) and providing users with a modified knowledge graph version are touched upon. The knowledge graph application fields are also indicated. Special attention is paid to their application in various automatic text processing systems, recommendation systems, and machine learning. The process of creating a knowledge graph vector representation is considered separately. In addition, the tasks related to knowledge graphs that have not been solved at the moment are listed. This review will be most interesting for specialists, beginning to get acquainted with knowledge graphs.

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