Processing of Scientific and Technical Information in Interdisciplinary Research by Methods of Mathematical and Linguistic Directed Search by the Example of the Study of Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering

E. Antonov, A. Artamonov, A. Orlov, V. Nikolaev, V. Zakharov, M. Khokhlova, Yu. Kontsevaya, A. Bonartsev, V. Voinova


The development of new effective methods for processing scientific technical information in interdisciplinary research using mathematical-linguistic targeted search is an urgent problem in such scientific field as the biomaterials for tissue engineering, because of the need to process large information volume, the diversity of information sources and terminological confusion. The authors have conducted a study to analyze the incoming flow of research papers for their relevance to the user's subject area. A personal database of 3,650 articles collected over 20 years of professional activity by the “Medical Biopolymers” scientific group was taken as an initial dataset. It was compared with the data collected by automated method from 3 highly ranked journals - Acta Biomaterialia, Biomaterials, Materials Today Bio. The software library difflib, based on the Ratcliffe-Mezner algorithm, was used to determine the similarity of the texts. According to the results of the study it was found that the developed approach was able to adequately identify the publications corresponding to the interests of the leader of the scientific group "Medical Biopolymers", but it also revealed a number of challenges, which are planned to solve at the next stages of the study.

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DOI: 10.25559/INJOIT.2307-8162.10.202211.134-140

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