Clinic-patient Electronic Interaction Development: Project Experience and Chatbot Testing at Medical Center

Pavel Kalinin, Gennadii Orlov


The article is devoted to modern trends of the electronic interaction between healthcare institution and patients, as well as to the practical issue of developing services for the patient, implemented using chatbot. The description of the logic of user interaction (userflow) with the chatbot is given. The results of the first beta testing of the developed functionality and conclusion about the necessary improvements are provided. The chatbot is being created as the part of the “Digital Clinic” project to improve clinic-patient electronic interaction at the Northwest District Scientific and Clinical Center named after L. G. Sokolov FMBA of Russia. The perspectives and specifics of the interaction with elderly patients are also demonstrated. Authors plan to make necessary improvements to the chatbot, launch it into permanent operation and collect feedback from patients about the use of the chatbot on the regular basis. It is also planned to specialize chatbot interfaces for different ages.

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DOI: 10.25559/INJOIT.2307-8162.10.202211.105-112

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