Trust in city electronic services in St. Petersburg: analysis of age groups
The paper discusses the results of a sociological study of the use of digital services by the population of St. Petersburg and trust in them. The analysis of scientific works led to the conclusion that it is necessary to consider the differentiation of trust in electronic services depending on various social parameters of users. The study was conducted in the spring of 2022 using an online questionnaire based on a simple stratified sample (representative by sex and age). During the study, 500 people were interviewed using the online database of verified respondents Anketolog. During the survey, in the context of age groups, the popularity of urban digital services, the level of use of electronic channels and government portals, preferences in communication channels were studied. According to the survey, age differences in the use of digital services are expressed primarily in the level of access and adaptation to them. The study showed that trust in electronic services is formed on the basis of confident IT skills in conjunction with the presence of a positive experience in using a particular service. The data obtained are of interest for the formation of the concept of the ecosystem of urban electronic services in the authorities of St. Petersburg and other cities.
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DOI: 10.25559/INJOIT.2307-8162.10.202211.70-74
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