Development of Classification and Catalog of Software for Modeling Argumentation and Deliberative Reasoning

Elena Lisanyuk, Dmitry Prokudin


As a result of the conducted research, we propose an approach to the development of a comprehensive classification of software applications, software and information systems designed for modeling and representation of argumentation, broad-based deliberative reasoning, support of decision-making processes and the formation of argumentation and critical thinking skills. The classification is based on the corpus of criteria developed as a result of this study, which determine the essential characteristics and functional features of such software, which must be taken into account when developing software for modeling argumentation, especially software with the function of evaluating arguments and finding solutions. The classification takes into account different types of justifications and counterarguments, the features of dialogues where arguments are given, and the structure of arguments of different types, including deliberative arguments. Based on the developed classification, a catalog is proposed in which descriptions of the corresponding software are made using the DCMES metadata scheme, which in the application plan is aimed at creating an electronic catalog in a machine-readable format. We have proposed a palliative solution for implementing the catalog in a machine-readable format. The proposed approach aims not only to support a rational and reasonable choice of software systems and applications for use in solving user tasks in the academic, research and educational communities, but also to serve as a tool for the prompt selection of appropriate software based on a search for metadata describing it.

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DOI: 10.25559/INJOIT.2307-8162.10.202211.11-25

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