Methods for Formal Verification of Artificial Neural Networks: A Review of Existing Approaches

Ekaterina Stroeva, Aleksey Tonkikh


Among recent publications containing an overview and systematization of  algorithms for formal verification of neural networks, a classification of algorithms is  proposed which is based on three following properties: reachability, optimization,  and search. Reachability-based methods select data from a range of  input values based on predefined constraints on the input values, and approximate  this set using symbolic mathematical constructs. The main problem of this approach  is overapproximation, i.e., the output set is too wide. Another big  problem is preservation of linearity after applying the ReLU activation function,  which is necessary for applying the backpropagation algorithm. In present article we  analyze, compare, and sistemathize mathematical constructions and attempts  to approximate the point data by flat continuous sets with the least possible  approximation. We also discuss the most effective methods of solving the problem  of applying the ReLU activation function to symbolic elements.

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