Features of Computer Morphological Analysis and Synthesis of verbs of the Tajik language
Today, computational linguistics of the Tajik language is at the origin of its development. In order to develop this area, the author of this article is developing a project for the formalization of inflections of the Tajik language for computer morphological analysis and synthesis, within which it is required to classify Tajik words according to the types of formation. The words nouns, adjectives and pronouns are already has been classified. In this article, the author proposes a classification of the verbs of the Tajik language. The article highlights 9 types of verb formation and 4 subtypes. For the presented types and subtypes, their distinctive features are shown. This classification is a continuation of the author's research, which includes the classification of nouns, adjectives and pronouns in the Tajik language. The author has developed a program as an Internet application to implement the generation of word forms in the Tajik language. This application is powered by a linguistic base completed as a result of ongoing research in this article. Classification of other parts of speech of the Tajik language continues.
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