Analysis of trends and possible approaches to the formation of contract requirements in projects developed on the basis of information modeling technologies and the information model of the modeling object (BIM)

Arina Khan


The article analyzes trends and possible approaches to the formation of contract requirements in projects developed on the basis of information modeling technologies (BIM). In the course of the work, a description of the principles, approaches and forms of the contract on the basis of which it is possible to carry out the formation of verified contract conditions, as well as the tasks that need to be solved to achieve the goal, is presented. Collected and presented principles and approaches in the initiation, implementation of projects based on the BIM information model, as well as the subsequent consolidation of information, storage and management of data on the construction site. The necessary measures for the correct implementation of BIM-design in the enterprise are noted. The author presents key aspects in design and project management based on BIM design technologies, as well as the main trends in the use of BIM in international contract forms. The author also noted the main features and advantages of using innovative technologies in the design, construction and management of facilities. An analysis of current trends in the implementation and use of BIM modeling technologies in the current situation in the Russian Federation is presented. The article provides examples of international contracts, on the basis of which it is possible to carry out contracting.

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