The problem of developing VR assembly / disassembly simulators, and a variant of a high-performance solution based on VR Concept technology

M.G. Zhabitskii, S.A. Kulak, A.S. Novikova


Virtual reality technology today can be successfully used not only in the entertainment industry, where it is already firmly entrenched, but also for training personnel in various fields of human activity. The development of innovative technologies will allow Russia to take a leading position in technology and production. The widespread introduction of virtual simulators in personnel training can make training more efficient, and production more economical, more productive and more accurate. The article considers the technology for developing virtual simulators for the assembly and disassembly of industrial equipment, reviews the methods of personnel training in terms of maximum efficiency and virtual environments and ways to create VR simulators, their advantages and limitations. The article proposes a technology for creating simulators using the VR Concept platform, which allows you to speed up the development process due to the presence of pre-implemented common modules. This technology is a step towards the development of conveyor production of virtual reality simulators, which will reduce the time, cost and difficulty of implementing virtual reality technology in production.

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