Novel Simple Approach to Digital Signal Processing of Sinusoids with MATLAB Using Discrete Fourier Transform
This paper examined a novel approach to the DSP of sinusoids with MATLAB using the Discrete Fourier Transform. A sinusoid is a mathematical curve that describes a smooth periodic oscillation, and it can be used to study and solve many real-world problems. In the field of computer engineering, it can be used for studies on sampling of digital signals and plotting in the time/frequency domain of discrete signals. The study determined the effect of the sampling rate on DFT. Findings reveal that an increase in sampling frequency or duration will increase the size of the DFT. Also, a time and frequency domain plot of the DFT signal was implemented. It was concluded that more research should be encouraged in the area of digital signal processing to study and solve real-life problems. This article submitted a comprehensive introduction to analogue signals and how to convert them to digital signals supported by a theorem. It also submitted the importance of the study and methodology of solution with a proposed method.
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