On the Issue of Trust in E-Government Services: St. Petersburg Case
This article is based on the results obtained in the course of surveys on electronic services for interaction between citizens and authorities, conducted in 2020-2021 in St. Petersburg. As a result of these studies, it was determined that the most relevant services for citizens are services in the field of health care, security and transport. The research analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of services in their current state of development. Also, the most popular situations were identified, the solution of which is implemented by citizens using electronic platforms. Based on the data obtained on the services created in St. Petersburg, conclusions were formulated on how the system of electronic state services can positively affect the level of trust within Russian society. A further vector of research has been determined, which should be aimed at studying the parameters of trust of users of electronic services. It has been determined that the creation of a large-scale and transparent system of electronic interaction between citizens and authorities can contribute to the growth of trust in the authorities and the economic development of regions and the country by creating trusted communications. It is noted that the principles of deliberative democracy can be used at the municipal and regional levels during a state system of electronic services building. The basic principles for the development of electronic services are proposed. They are aimed at involving the population in solving municipal and regional problems by developing platforms for proactive budgeting and online voting.
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