Digital volunteering attitude in adolescence and youth
The article examines the features of modern Russian youth towards digital volunteering. The features of the development of opportunities for volunteer activity in modern Russia are analyzed, the motivation of volunteering, the role of participation in volunteer activity for the somatic and psychological well-being of a person is considered. The concept of digital volunteering is defined, its key features are highlighted, possible directions of implementation are indicated, considered and correlated with related concepts (for example, reflective volunteering). The results of a study aimed at studying the characteristics of attitudes towards digital volunteering and motivation for volunteering of Russian youth are analyzed. The study involved 284 schoolchildren and students aged 14 to 23 years. Two techniques were used to collect the data. The results obtained made it possible to determine the ideas of young people about the advantages and disadvantages of digital volunteering and the specifics of orientation in them. Three types of volunteering motivation were identified: “active volunteers”, “pragmatic volunteers”, “passive volunteers”.
An analysis was made of the relationship between perceptions of the advantages and disadvantages of digital volunteering and the type of motivation for volunteering. The results obtained made it possible to determine the key features of the attitude of Russian youth to digital volunteering.
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