A subscriber’s Privacy on the 5G Radio Interface

V. Belsky, A. Drynkin, S. Davydov


The issues of subscriber’s privacy in mobile phone systems are currently very interesting due to the expected growth of new communication services (virtual reality, Machine­Type Communications – MTC, Vehicle­to­Everything – V2X, Internet of Things­IoT, etc.) provided by 5G networks. The survey addresses security issues in 5G systems. Release 15 is selected as the main release of the 5G specifications, as well as added some information from Release 16 up to Stage 3. Only the wireless component (the area between the base station and the mobile equipment) of 5G networks is considered in our survey. Despite the fact that 5G networks offer additional security mechanisms, the presented survey demonstrates that many significant problems remain in this area. The paper contains the analysis of security issues in previous mobile phone generations and the survey of countermeasures that improve security in the 5G standard. In addition, we discuss some new types of attacks to 5G Release 15 specifications and suggest some methods to avoid some significant security and privacy issues in 5G networks.

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