Simulation of algorithms for estimation energetic parameters of spacecraft onboard optoelectronic devices

Evgeny Eremin


During the operation of on-board optoelectronic devices and spacecraft systems, there is a need to evaluate such energy parameters as sensitivity and dynamic range. These parameters directly affect the possibility of detecting space objects, as well as obtaining non-coordinate information on them by monitoring systems of near-Earth space, including space debris. The sensitivity and dynamic range of on-board optoelectronic devices are estimated using observations of stars for which the results of photometric studies with known accuracy are available. This article describes algorithms for assessing the sensitivity and dynamic range of on-board optoelectronic devices. These algorithms use an instrumental photometric standard, which based on the methods of system analysis, to evaluate the energy characteristics of the on-board optoelectronic devices with a given accuracy under various operating modes and background-signal conditions of observation. Experimental simulation model developed for the quality estimation of described algorithms. This model based on some programs of the Astromatic project and the implementation of described algorithms. The simulation results presented. The materials of the article can be useful in planning the practical operation of on-board optoelectronic devices of space systems and spacecraft.

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