Designing a smart device that analyzes the release of propane vapors for cars running on natural gas fuel

T. Astakhova, S. Zueva, S. Krivonogov, A. Romanova


The paper describes the design of a device for analyzing the release of propane vapors for vehicles running on gas engine fuel. The paper identifies the shortcomings of gas equipment, provides a rationale for the development, formulates the relevance, sets the goals and objectives of the work, and also defines the object and subject of research. In order to determine the need for development, an analysis of existing developments was carried out, in which the three most popular devices were considered, their advantages and disadvantages were identified. As the architecture of the designed device, a three-tier client-server architecture is defined that allows processing incoming data on an independent side. The paper defines the basic requirements for the system being developed, and builds a model of an intelligent device that includes all the necessary elements of the system. The principle of operation of the device is described and its main components are considered. The Arduino hardware complex with a certain set of controllers and sensors, which were selected with the maximum energy saving condition during operation, was determined as a means of implementing the project. SQL was chosen as a database for storing user information; for the implementation of program modules, the C # programming language with a visual representation of Windows Forms was chosen. To write the program code for the operation of the sensors, the Arduino IDE was used, which was subsequently linked to C # forms through the XAML library. The paper also describes the brief functionality of the implemented smart device and the principle of filling and processing data in visual forms.

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ISSN: 2307-8162