Visual analysis of railway passenger traffic data

Stepan Medvedenko, Dmitry Namiot


This article discusses the features of visual analysis of railway passenger traffic data using the visualization application. First of all, we consider the problems associated with the growth of passenger traffic in cities, which arise as a result of an increase in population, growth of cities, and the development of transport infrastructure. As a result, we substantiate the necessity of effective management of the passenger traffic of railway transport and the solution of the existing problems, including through the visual analysis of data. Next, we carry out a comparative description of existing visualization tools and it is proved that the most advanced of them is the application. Due to its open-source code and a large number of technical capabilities, it is the most advanced and perfect tool for solving the problem of queues and congestion of large numbers of passengers at railway stations. Using the application, we visualize the data collected from the passageways through the turnstiles at the railway stations. Based on the visualization of these data, it was possible to come to the conclusion that the main passenger flows move between large cities, and the number of departures from them exceeds the number of arrivals.

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