A software system for entrance profiling of enrollees - help in choosing a future profession
When enrollees submit documents to a higher educational institution, difficulties often arise in determining the direction of study. This is due to various reasons: incorrect or incomplete understanding of training programs, fashion trends for certain professions, indecision in choice, etc., which leads to the wrong choice of a future profession, difficulties in the learning process and further work in the specialty. A number of problems associated with the wrong choice of the direction of study can be solved when using in a higher educational institution a software system for entrance profiling of enrollees with automated testing based on psychological analysis. Psychodiagnostic testing can help prospective students understand which areas are more suitable for them in terms of interests and personal qualities. The software system of entrance profiling of enrollees provides an opportunity to pass tests and receive reasoned recommendations on the choice of the most suitable areas of study based on the definition of the enrollee's psychotype. The main idea of creating a system is that at first the enrollee is asked to choose those directions that he considers interesting for himself, but cannot make a choice, and after this choice he is offered to pass a series of psychological tests. Recommendations for enrollees are based on special algorithms based on widely used valid psychological tests.
The use of a software system for entry profiling of enrollees can lead to a significant decrease in the number of cases of unsuccessful profiling of enrollees.
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