Information support systems for Academic Writing in foreign languages

Vladimir Tregubov


Academic writing support systems help researchers to fulfill the basic requirements for formatting, and structuring science articles. The content of the article will be expressed correctly, text have right order of sections and correct terminology. There is a wide range of software for supporting academic writing, especially for English language. Our research focuses on specialized academic writing support systems developed as add-ins for Microsoft Word®. Although Microsoft Word is not considered as the most suitable for academic writing text prcessor, but there are some advanced it have: widespread, low learning curve, user-friendly interface. It makes Microsoft Word one of the most used tool for academic writing. We describe modern tools for academic work which are implemented in the form of add-ins for Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word Add-in is a specialized program that runs within Microsoft Word and is tightly integrated with the interface of it, it allows to solve some specialized tasks in academic work. We described abilities of “Writefull for Word”, “Ref-n-Write”, and “Mendeley Cite”. The final part of the article contains a brief description of developing add-ins for Microsoft Word and a description of add-ins “Language Trainer” developed by the author's for improving English for academic purposes.

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