Structure of the third-level experience information container and technical-regulatory documentation work organization during the life cycle of a complicated engineering object
Historically developed approaches to creating an information model based on BIM-design as a basis for creating a digital twin of a complex engineering object are considered. The normative documents forming the modern level of information modeling in our country are given. Methodological approaches to the formation of information containers of various levels of maturity are considered. The content of the information container at each maturity level – from "0" to "3" is considered on the example of a nuclear power plant unit. The role of regulatory documentation in the process of life of the object at all stages of the life cycle and its relationship with the object of regulation is shown. Marked problem use this documentation as "documentational" and shows its unstructured information purposes only. Examples of approaches to document management are considered and a conclusion is made about the need to use Text Mining technology in the formation of an information container of regulatory documentation in the information model of a complex engineering object (for example, a nuclear power plant unit). The concept of transition of the model information container to the next level of maturity is developed – creation of the information container of the information model of the third level of maturity. Options for creating an information container of the "3+" level are considered: Autonomous digital database processing by Text Mining mechanisms and an expert-analytical system that combines database processing by experts using Text - & - Data Mining mechanisms. An example of the architecture of the regulatory documentation processing system is given.
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