Network spatial proximity between mobile devices
In this article, we continue a series of studies devoted to the application (use) of the network spatial proximity model. Within this model, the classical architecture of services using location information, which is based on the use of geo-coordinates data provided by users, is replaced by some distributed cyber-physical system. The model explicitly exploits the fact that most location-based services provide some local (local) service. And the geo-coordinates provided by users are used just to determine the proximity when selecting services (services). Within the network proximity model, geo-computation is replaced by direct proximity definitions. And this very proximity measurement is based on determining the availability (visibility) of the signals of wireless network nodes. In this case, both existing nodes of wireless networks can be used, as well as specially created nodes, the main and only task of which is precisely to participate in determining proximity. This article discusses how to build new service models using location information.
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