Community ideology of free software as the basis for the formation of components of moral and ethical culture, life and personal self-determination of the student

A. Yu. Fedosov, M. V. Markushevich


The article discusses the communitarian ideology of free software as a possible basis for constructing an educational process aimed at solving the problems of life and personal self-determination of students, the formation of value-semantic orientation of students, orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships, personal motivation for learning activities. The authors reveal the advantages of using free software in the educational process to solve the problems of spiritual and moral education, identify the possibilities of students' creative activity based on the use of free software, to form their skills to highlight the moral aspect of behavior and correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, the formation of skills in choosing the preferred field of professional activity and entering a particular professional community, orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships, skills in choosing a tool for solving educational and professional tasks and focus on cooperation and selfless mutual assistance to other students in their development and application. The paper presents the ways of formation of moral and ethical culture, life and personal self-determination of students based on the analysis of the characteristic properties of free software

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