Evaluation and Recommendation IT Governance Based on COBIT 5 Framework in Harris Vertu Harmoni Hotel

Devi Yurisca Bernanda, Michelle Angelia


Harris Vertu Harmoni is a high-end hotel that specifically accommodates the needs of business guests and more modern tourist destinations and adapts to a dynamic lifestyle that offers a unique experience with lifestyle concepts and high-end technology which one of the main supporters in business processes and operational activities. The hotel has a Vertu Personal Assistant application that is useful for supporting operational activities in the hotel to help guests find hotel information and make digital requests. The purpose of the VPA application audit is to provide benefits for hotels and ensure that the hotel objectives are achieved optimally and aims to get the maximum results from the application of a proper information system and can support the hotel goals. In this research, the capability model will be used in the COBIT 5 framework to measure the level of capability in each process and will be focused on using one of the COBIT 5 domains, namely evaluation, direction, and monitoring which has 5 processes, namely EDM01 has a capability level process reaching level 3 with a level expected 3, EDM02 has a level of process capability reaching a level of 2.6 with the expected level is 3, EDM03 has a level of process capability reaching level 2 with an expected level of 3, EDM04 has a level of process capability reaching a level of 2.6 with the expected level is 3 and EDM05 has a capability level process reaching the level of 2.6 with the expected level is 3. Based on the results of the analysis carried out in this study, the authors conclude that the Harris Vertu Harmoni hotel has a governance framework management and maintenance process, a value optimization process, optimization risk, optimization of sources and stakeholder transparency are passable.

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